$ composer update drupal/quick_node_clone - Upgrading drupal/quick_node_clone (1.13.0 => 1.14.0): Extracting archive $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Align https://github.com/giancarlobi/strawberry_runners to https://github.com/esmero/strawberry_runners then
$ composer update strawberryfield/strawberry_runners - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev 4275b87 => 0.1.0.x-dev c2b0972) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Align https://github.com/giancarlobi/strawberryfield to https://github.com/esmero/strawberryfield
$ composer require 'professional-wiki/edtf:0.1.x-dev' - Installing professional-wiki/edtf (dev-master b22b34f) $ composer update strawberryfield/strawberryfield - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 caf0380 => dev-1.0.0-RC2 fa44900) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Align https://github.com/giancarlobi/webform_strawberryfield to https://github.com/esmero/webform_strawberryfield
$ composer update strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield - Upgrading strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 1c1c601 => dev-1.0.0-RC2 48aebc7) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
$ composer update drupal/config_inspector - Upgrading drupal/config_inspector (1.1.0 => 1.3.0) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Downgraded solr ocr plugin due to a probably issue.
$ cd ~ $ wget https://github.com/dbmdz/solr-ocrhighlighting/releases/download/0.5.0/solr-ocrhighlighting-0.5.0.jar $ sudo systemctl stop solr $ sudo mv /opt/solr/contrib/archipelago/lib/solr-ocrhighlighting-0.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./ $ sudo mv solr-ocrhighlighting-0.5.0.jar /opt/solr/contrib/archipelago/lib/ $ sudo systemctl start solr
Align https://github.com/giancarlobi/strawberry_runners to https://github.com/esmero/strawberry_runners then
$ composer update strawberryfield/strawberry_runners - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev ef4c08b => 0.1.0.x-dev 653b4b9) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Twig tools required for json_decode function.
$ composer require drupal/twig_tools $ vendor/bin/drush en twig_tools $ vendor/bin/drush cr
More modules update
$ composer update strawberryfield/strawberryfield - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 fa44900 => dev-1.0.0-RC2 e799247) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr $ composer update drupal/ds drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker drupal/metatag drupal/views_bulk_operations - Upgrading drupal/views_bulk_operations (3.10.0 => 3.12.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/ds (3.10.0 => 3.12.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker (1.0.0 => 1.1.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/metatag (1.15.0 => 1.16.0): Extracting archive $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Change Solr extra types to be better for Italian language. (see Solr)
Update Cantaloupe to version 5.0 released (see Cantaloupe)
Update strawberryfield RC2 and runners 0.1.0 to enable plaintext and solve search_api issue
$ composer update 'strawberryfield/strawberryfield' 'strawberryfield/strawberry_runners' - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev 653b4b9 => 0.1.0.x-dev 7d88aa6) - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 e799247 => dev-1.0.0-RC2 4ad59bf) $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Set/clear strawberryfield flavor datasource fields (admin/config/search/search-api/index/drupal_content_to_solr_8/fields) General update
$ composer update - Upgrading professional-wiki/edtf (dev-master b22b34f => dev-master 52e48be): Checking out 52e48be75e from cache - Upgrading frictionlessdata/datapackage (dev-master d9e007d => dev-master 48e73fc): Checking out 48e73fc9b9 from cache - Upgrading symfony/finder (v5.2.3 => v5.2.4): Extracting archive - Upgrading phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.5 => 3.0.6): Extracting archive - Upgrading google/apiclient-services (v0.163.0 => v0.166.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/filesystem (v4.4.19 => v4.4.21): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/facets (dev-1.x a941c92 => dev-1.x b1c616b): Checking out b1c616bacf from cache - Upgrading drupal/inline_entity_form (dev-1.x 52d28cc => dev-1.x 0c9fc28): Checking out 0c9fc2848b from cache - Upgrading drupal/restui (1.19.0 => 1.20.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading aws/aws-sdk-php (3.173.22 => 3.176.3): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/s3fs (dev-3.x 012cdc2 => dev-3.x d9c1ba9): Checking out d9c1ba9c0d from cache - Upgrading webmozart/assert (1.9.1 => 1.10.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading psy/psysh (v0.10.6 => v0.10.7): Extracting archive
$ vendor/bin/drush updatedb -------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- Module Update ID Type Description -------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- s3fs add_credentials_c post-update Add default config settings for ache_default credentials caching. s3fs add_disable_versi post-update Set new config property on_sync_default "disable_version_sync" to default value. s3fs add_read_only_def post-update Set new config property default ault value for "read_only". s3fs delete_no_rewrite post-update Remove obsolete no_rewrite_cssjs _cssjs_setting config entry (removed in alpha17). s3fs migrate_instance_ post-update Migrate Instance Profile profile_settings settings. -------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Add Monolog to log hydroponics on filesystem
Prepare folder
$ mkdir /var/www/html/private/logs $ sudo chgrp -R www-data private/logs $ ls -l private/ drwxrwxr-x 2 gestore www-data 4096 Mar 30 10:22 logs drwxrwxr-x 7 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 14 22:06 webform
Install, configure and enable
$ composer require 'drupal/monolog:^2.0@beta' - Installing drupal/monolog (2.0.0-beta2): Extracting archive $ nano -w web/sites/default/settings.php
/** * Enable Monolog service * */ $settings['container_yamls'][] = 'sites/default/monolog.services.yml';
$ nano -w web/sites/default/monolog.services.yml
parameters: monolog.channel_handlers: hydroponics: ['rotating_file_hydroponics'] hydroqueue: ['rotating_file_hydroponics'] default: ['drupal.dblog'] services: monolog.handler.rotating_file_hydroponics: class: Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler arguments: ['private://logs/hydroponics.log', 10, '%monolog.level.debug%']
$ vendor/bin/drush en monolog $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Add Bootstrap For Drupal theme
$ composer require 'drupal/bfd:^2.61' - Installing drupal/bfd (2.61.0): Extracting archive
Set correct timezone
$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Rome $ timedatectl Local time: Wed 2021-03-31 09:13:10 CEST Universal time: Wed 2021-03-31 07:13:10 UTC RTC time: Wed 2021-03-31 07:12:56 Time zone: Europe/Rome (CEST, +0200)
We need enable datetime and datetime_range
$ vendor/bin/drush en datetime datetime_range
General update
$ composer update - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (9.1.5 => 9.1.6): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (9.1.5 => 9.1.6): Extracting archive - Upgrading professional-wiki/edtf (dev-master 52e48be => dev-master a0a730e): Checking out a0a730eba6 from cache - Upgrading drupal/core (9.1.5 => 9.1.6): Extracting archive - Upgrading phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.6 => 3.0.7): Extracting archive - Upgrading google/apiclient-services (v0.166.0 => v0.167.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/bfd (2.61.0 => 2.65.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-recommended (9.1.5 => 9.1.6) - Upgrading fileeye/mimemap (1.1.4 => 1.1.5): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/inline_entity_form (dev-1.x 0c9fc28 => dev-1.x 057a761): Checking out 057a7612f6 from cache - Upgrading aws/aws-sdk-php (3.176.3 => 3.177.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/s3fs (dev-3.x d9c1ba9 => dev-3.x eeaaf1d): Checking out eeaaf1d324 from cache - Upgrading drush/drush (10.4.0 => 10.4.2): Extracting archive $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb -------- ------------------------- ------------- --------------------------- Module Update ID Type Description -------- ------------------------- ------------- --------------------------- node glossary_view_published post-update Add a published filter to the glossary View. -------- ------------------------- ------------- --------------------------- $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Edit Solr schema for Suggester fieldtype text_ws to split on word without punctuation. (see Solr Suggester)
$ composer update - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (9.1.6 => 9.1.7): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (9.1.6 => 9.1.7): Extracting archive - Upgrading professional-wiki/edtf (dev-master a0a730e => dev-master 1267dbb): Checking out 1267dbb3a2 from cache - Upgrading drupal/core (9.1.6 => 9.1.7): Extracting archive - Upgrading phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.7 => 3.0.8): Extracting archive - Upgrading google/auth (v1.15.0 => v1.15.1): Extracting archive - Upgrading google/apiclient-services (v0.167.0 => v0.170.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-recommended (9.1.6 => 9.1.7) - Upgrading drupal/imce (2.3.0 => 2.4.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/inline_entity_form (dev-1.x 057a761 => dev-1.x 6e491f6): Checking out 6e491f65cf from cache - Upgrading drupal/ctools (3.4.0 => 3.5.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading aws/aws-sdk-php (3.177.0 => 3.178.8): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/s3fs (dev-3.x eeaaf1d => dev-3.x e973543): Checking out e973543c88 from cache - Upgrading psy/psysh (v0.10.7 => v0.10.8): Extracting archive - Upgrading enlightn/security-checker (v1.7.0 => v1.8.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drush/drush (10.4.2 => 10.4.3): Extracting archive $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb -------- ----------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ Module Update ID Type Description -------- ----------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ s3fs 8303 hook_update_n Alter db version field to varchar(255). -------- ----------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ $ vendor/bin/drush cr
$ composer update professional-wiki/edtf strawberryfield/strawberryfield strawberryfield/strawberry_runners - Locking professional-wiki/edtf (2.0.0) - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev 905c405 => 0.1.0.x-dev 0b5336e) - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 e8aa1d3 => dev-1.0.0-RC2 18ed295)
$ composer update - Upgrading composer/installers (v1.10.0 => v1.11.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (9.1.7 => 9.1.8): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (9.1.7 => 9.1.8): Extracting archive - Upgrading swaggest/json-schema (v0.12.31 => v0.12.32): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/translation (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading nesbot/carbon (2.46.0 => 2.48.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading frictionlessdata/datapackage (dev-master 48e73fc => dev-master b60bd4e): Checking out b60bd4e784 from cache - Upgrading symfony/yaml (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/validator (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/serializer (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/routing (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/mime (v5.1.8 => v5.1.11): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/process (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/event-dispatcher (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/var-dumper (v5.1.8 => v5.1.11): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/debug (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/error-handler (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/console (v4.4.16 => v4.4.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core (9.1.7 => 9.1.8): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/finder (v5.2.4 => v5.2.9): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/webform (6.0.2 => 6.0.3): Extracting archive strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield has modified files: M format_strawberryfield.libraries.yml M js/iiif-iabookreader_strawberry.js Discard changes [y,n,v,d,s,?]? y - Upgrading strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 f7fc658 => dev-1.0.0-RC2 aada573): Checking out aada573628 from cache - Upgrading markbaker/complex (2.0.0 => 2.0.2): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/views_bulk_operations (3.12.0 => 3.13.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading google/apiclient-services (v0.170.0 => v0.176.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/google_api_client (3.0.0-rc5 => 3.0.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading archipelago/ami (0.1.0.x-dev 199979d => 0.1.0.x-dev 61786e8): Checking out 61786e8fd2 from cache - Upgrading symfony/filesystem (v4.4.21 => v4.4.22): Extracting archive - Upgrading twbs/bootstrap (v4.6.0 => v5.0.1): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/bootstrap_barrio (5.1.4 => 5.5.1): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/context (4.0.0-beta5 => 4.0.0-beta6): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-recommended (9.1.7 => 9.1.8) - Upgrading drupal/facets (dev-1.x b1c616b => dev-1.x 3c3fe24): Checking out 3c3fe248e6 from cache - Upgrading drupal/ctools (3.5.0 => 3.6.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading aws/aws-sdk-php (3.178.8 => 3.183.3): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/s3fs (dev-3.x e973543 => dev-3.x 21e7fe8): Checking out 21e7fe8c6c from cache - Upgrading drupal/schema_metatag (2.1.0 => 2.2.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/twig_tweak (3.0.0 => 3.1.1): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/webform_submission_log (6.0.2 => 6.0.3) - Upgrading drupal/webformnavigation (1.0.0-alpha11 => 1.0.0-beta1): Extracting archive - Upgrading nikic/php-parser (v4.10.4 => v4.10.5): Extracting archive - Upgrading enlightn/security-checker (v1.8.0 => v1.9.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drush/drush (10.4.3 => 10.5.0): Extracting archive $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb -------- ------------------------ ------------- -------------------------- Module Update ID Type Description -------- ------------------------ ------------- -------------------------- s3fs migrate_hostname_setti post-update Migrate custom S3 bucket ng_format hostname format. -------- ------------------------ ------------- -------------------------- $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Update composer due to git oauth issue.
$ cp ~/.config/composer/auth.json ~/.config/composer/auth.json.LAST $ nano -w ~/.config/composer/auth.json {"github-oauth": {}} $ sudo composer self-update $ cp ~/.config/composer/auth.json.LAST ~/.config/composer/auth.json $ composer --version Composer version 2.1.1 2021-06-04 08:46:46
Update Drupal and modules
$ composer update - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (9.1.8 => 9.1.10): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (9.1.8 => 9.1.10): Extracting archive - Upgrading swaggest/json-schema (v0.12.32 => v0.12.33): Extracting archive - Upgrading nesbot/carbon (2.48.0 => 2.48.1): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.22.1 => v1.23.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.22.1 => v1.23.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core (9.1.8 => 9.1.10): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/finder (v5.2.9 => v5.3.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/search_api_solr (4.1.11 => 4.1.12): Extracting archive - Upgrading markbaker/matrix (2.1.2 => 2.1.3): Extracting archive - Upgrading markbaker/complex (2.0.2 => 2.0.3): Extracting archive - Upgrading phpoffice/phpspreadsheet (1.17.1 => 1.18.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading firebase/php-jwt (v5.2.1 => v5.3.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading google/apiclient-services (v0.176.0 => v0.180.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading symfony/filesystem (v4.4.22 => v4.4.25): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/core-recommended (9.1.8 => 9.1.10) - Upgrading drupal/imagemagick (3.1.0 => 3.2.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading aws/aws-sdk-php (3.183.3 => 3.183.13): Extracting archive - Upgrading drupal/webformnavigation (1.0.0-beta1 => 1.0.0-rc1): Extracting archive $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb ----------------- ----------- --------------- -------------------------------- Module Update ID Type Description ----------------- ----------- --------------- -------------------------------- search_api_solr 8408 hook_update_n 8408 - Improved Japanese field type. search_api_solr 8409 hook_update_n 8409 - Add Hungarian field type. ----------------- ----------- --------------- -------------------------------- Do you wish to run the specified pending updates? (yes/no) [yes]: > yes > [notice] Update started: search_api_solr_update_8408 > [notice] Update completed: search_api_solr_update_8408 > [notice] Update started: search_api_solr_update_8409 > [notice] Update completed: search_api_solr_update_8409 > [warning] Message: There have been some configuration changes. It is advisable to download and > deploy an updated config.zip to your Solr server. > > [warning] Message: A new Solr field type has been installed due to configuration changes. It is > advisable to download and deploy an updated config.zip to your Solr server. > [success] Finished performing updates. $ vendor/bin/drush cr
Update Archipelago modules to opendb branch with ALTO support.
$ composer require 'strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield:dev-1.0.0-dbopen' 'archipelago/ami:dev-0.1.0-dbopen' 'strawberryfield/strawberryfield:dev-1.0.0-dbopen' 'strawberryfield/strawberry_runners:dev-0.1.0-dbopen' 'strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield:dev-1.0.0-dbopen' ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield archipelago/ami strawberryfield/strawberryfield strawberryfield/strawberry_runners strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield Gathering patches for root package. Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 0 installs, 5 updates, 0 removals - Upgrading archipelago/ami (0.1.0.x-dev 61786e8 => dev-0.1.0-dbopen 448944c) - Upgrading strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 aada573 => dev-1.0.0-dbopen da1a7f5) - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev 0b5336e => dev-0.1.0-dbopen ed440be) - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 18ed295 => dev-1.0.0-dbopen 0b9d763) - Upgrading strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 8384f47 => dev-1.0.0-dbopen 782202c) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 0 installs, 5 updates, 0 removals - Syncing strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-dbopen 0b9d763) into cache - Syncing strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-dbopen da1a7f5) into cache - Syncing strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-dbopen 782202c) into cache - Syncing archipelago/ami (dev-0.1.0-dbopen 448944c) into cache - Syncing strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (dev-0.1.0-dbopen ed440be) into cache Gathering patches for root package. Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute. - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 18ed295 => dev-1.0.0-dbopen 0b9d763): Checking out 0b9d7632c9 from cache - Upgrading strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 aada573 => dev-1.0.0-dbopen da1a7f5): Checking out da1a7f59d6 from cache - Upgrading strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 8384f47 => dev-1.0.0-dbopen 782202c): Checking out 782202c314 from cache - Upgrading archipelago/ami (0.1.0.x-dev 61786e8 => dev-0.1.0-dbopen 448944c): Checking out 448944c866 from cache - Upgrading strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev 0b5336e => dev-0.1.0-dbopen ed440be): Checking out ed440be7b1 from cache $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr