This is an old revision of the document!
Enable Modules and libraries required
$ vendor/bin/drush en ... Successfully enabled: taxonomy Successfully enabled: media, image Successfully enabled: menu_ui, menu_link_content, link Successfully enabled: field_ui Successfully enabled: aggregator Successfully enabled: block_content, comment, contact, shortcut, tour Successfully enabled: field_layout Successfully enabled: media_library Successfully enabled: responsive_image Successfully enabled: content_moderation, workflows Successfully enabled: webform_scheduled_email Successfully enabled: basic_auth Successfully enabled: rdf Successfully enabled: ckeditor Successfully enabled: content_translation Successfully enabled: facets_range_widget, facets_rest, tracker Successfully enabled: ctools_views Successfully enabled: bamboo_twig, bamboo_twig_config, bamboo_twig_file, bamboo_twig_loader, bamboo_twig_path, bamboo_twig_security, bamboo_twig_token
Browse UI at admin/config/services/jsonapi and enable JSONAPI Accept all JSON:API create, read, update, and delete operations.
Downloading JQUERY Slider Pips Library for facets
$ mkdir -p /var/www/html/web/libraries/jquery-ui-slider-pips/dist $ curl -o /var/www/html/web/libraries/jquery-ui-slider-pips/dist/jquery-ui-slider-pips.min.js '' $ curl -o /var/www/html/web/libraries/jquery-ui-slider-pips/dist/jquery-ui-slider-pips.min.css ''
Archipelago modules
Install from giancarlobi GitHUB so edit composer.json
}, "repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "drupal/form_mode_manager", "type": "drupal-module", "version": "dev-8.x-2.x", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "", "reference": "bb634122" } } }, { "type": "composer", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": {
NOTE: AMI composer.json changed to → “drupal/google_api_client”: “3.0.0-rc5”
$ composer require 'strawberryfield/strawberryfield:dev-1.0.0-RC2' 'strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield:dev-1.0.0-RC2' 'strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield:dev-1.0.0-RC2' 'strawberryfield/strawberry_runners:0.1.0.x-dev' 'archipelago/ami:0.1.0.x-dev' - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.10): Extracting archive - Installing nesbot/carbon (2.46.0): Extracting archive - Installing jmikola/geojson (1.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing frictionlessdata/tableschema (v0.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing frictionlessdata/datapackage (dev-master d9e007d): Cloning d9e007dd98 from cache - Installing strawberryfield/strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 caf0380): Cloning caf0380cc0 from cache - Installing strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 6a607cd): Cloning 6a607cdb99 from cache - Installing strawberryfield/webform_strawberryfield (dev-1.0.0-RC2 1c1c601): Cloning 1c1c601b68 from cache - Installing psr/simple-cache (1.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing markbaker/matrix (2.1.2): Extracting archive - Installing markbaker/complex (2.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpoffice/phpspreadsheet (1.17.1): Extracting archive - Installing archipelago/ami (0.1.0.x-dev 17345fa): Cloning 17345fa01b from cache - Installing web64/php-nlp-client (v0.40.5): Extracting archive - Installing strawberryfield/strawberry_runners (0.1.0.x-dev 4275b87): Cloning 4275b8757b from cache $ vendor/bin/drush en strawberryfield Successfully enabled: strawberryfield $ vendor/bin/drush en format_strawberryfield Successfully enabled: format_strawberryfield $ vendor/bin/drush en webform_strawberryfield Successfully enabled: webform_strawberryfield $ vendor/bin/drush en strawberry_runners Successfully enabled: strawberry_runners $ vendor/bin/drush en ami Successfully enabled: ami $ vendor/bin/drush updatedb $ vendor/bin/drush cr